Design for online and blended learning - Topic 4 ONL221
What did I know before this: I actually assumed I knew what blended learning was, in my simplistic mind. I didnt think there was that much to explore. What do I want to know? I didnt think I needed to learn any more things actually, I had thought that I have "been there, done that". I know what it is, what is there to learn? What did I learn I learnt so much. Firstly, that blended learning doesnt always means online learning. Online learning doesnt always mean it is asynchronous, neither is blended learning always asynchronous. Then there is also hybrid learning. So so much! In summary, I think that the best thing to do is to first determine what it is we want students to learn. Blended learning is a category of learning (as opposed to traditional learning) whereas online learning, hybrid learning etc is the method of delivering the material / content. For example, for those which require the training of a skill, for example, history-taking in medicine, then one ...